United Church of Christ 

An Open and Affirming Church





 W220 N4915 Town Line Road

Menomonee Falls, WI 53051


Office Hours: Mon-Fri 9am-2pm 


 Worship  Schedule 


9am Fellowship Hour

10am Worship 

“Anybody can love the mountains, but it takes a soul to love the prairie” - Willa Cather, American author


We'll take a closer look at some of the native prairie plants already established including; directional Compass Plants, the cool leaves of Prairie Dock created by a process called evapotranspiration, the unique characteristics of Sideoat Grama Grass, the lush russet colored Indian Grass, and Big Bluestem. Then we'll visit the Sanctuary garden with its wheelchair friendly 300’ walkway and entrance archway with Honeysuckle vines. We'll enter into an area with six native garden beds filled with more native perennial plants including Rough Blazing Star - Liatris, Quinine Plant, Gray Headed Coneflower, Little Bluestem Grass, along with many other native flowering plants.


For many native plants most of the real activity is still going on deep underground and what remains above ground offer vital food sources for a variety of animals.


On this tour, we get to see the prairie in all its glory! With over 40 different native varieties of healthy plants, this prairie continues to expand and surprise all of us as we find more native plants growing in places where they were never planted. The prairie is now expanding itself on its own. Today we will see many varieties including Compass Plant, False Sunflower, Grey Headed Coneflower, Bergamot, Weeping Daisies, Blue Vervain, Rosinweed, Echinacea, Butterfly Weed, Prairie Dock, Mullein, Ironweed, Culver’s Root, Rattlesnake Master, Penstemon, Lead Plant, Common Milkweed and invasive plants such as Chickery, Queen Anne's Lace, thistles, Knapweed, Curly Dock and a very invasive Butter & Egg plant. It truly has been a lush and beautiful year! We hope you’ll take time to visit it in person.


We'll be collecting seeds form a variety of grasses, Prairie Clover, Prairie Dock, Compass Plant, Common Milkweed, Blue False Indigo, Rough Blazing Star, Purple Coneflower, Quinine, Rattlesnake Master, Skyblue Aster and Lead Plant. The seeds will be dried and spread prior to a snowfall on another part of the prairie that’s been prepared for the introduction of new prairie plants for next spring.


We'll be pointing out many of the the retuning native plants that are beginning to emerge as our days and hours of sunlight grow longer. We'll check in on Compass Plant, Rosinweed, Purple Cone Flower, Golden Alexander, Spiderwort, Prairie Smoke, Spring Beauty, Wild Geranium, Solomon Seal, Spring Ephemerals, Virginia Bluebell, Jacobs Ladder, May Apple, Woodland Violets, Virginia Waterleaf, Bloodroot, Woodland Violet, and Spring Beauty just to name a few.


Every other year Jason and his crew strategically conduct a prairie burn in different sections of this expanding prairie.  Conditions have to be strictly monitored, burn permit pulled, and a team ready to handle and control the direction of the moving fire.  If you’ve never seen a prairie burn before, we think you will appreciate all the work and effort that goes into this fascinating process.

Welcome to the Prairie and Sanctuary Garden.

The four-acre prairie and six flowerbed gardens contain over 50 varieties of native plants and grasses. With all plants being native to Wisconsin, one can imagine what this area would have looked like to Native Americans and early settlers. The prairie provides us with a beautiful natural setting to be enjoyed in all seasons. It provides a food source and shelter to many insects, birds, and small mammals. The prairie also is a healing resource, supporting our physical, mental, and spiritual health.


The prairie and sanctuary garden at Redeemer are sacred spaces 

for me. They give me a place where I feel peaceful and calm, they offer the
gift of time for reflection, and it is there where I feel close to
nature, to creation, and to God.

Nancy Vollbrecht - Member