United Church of Christ 

An Open and Affirming Church





 W220 N4915 Town Line Road

Menomonee Falls, WI 53051


Office Hours: Mon-Fri 9am-2pm 


 Worship  Schedule 


9am Fellowship Hour

10am Worship 

Redeemer UCC Cemetery

The Redeemer UCC Cemetery is a small and intimate location, sited against the backdrop of a quiet mature woodland.


It is easy to get to, around the corner just north of downtown Sussex, WI, on Maple Avenue.  Despite its tenure, the Cemetery has plots yet for sale; there are many for individual grave sites remaining as well as some traditional Family Plots (which each has space for up to four standard casket burials).  Prices are reasonable for church members and perpetual care through the church is assured.  Cremated remains or full burials are acceptable.



Redeemer UCC's Cemetery comes out of the merger of Redeemer's two founding churches as it had belonged to the Zion Church of Sussex.  It was established in 1890 when one of the church members, August Mindemann, donated the property to the church for this purpose.  It has been in use ever since.  In 2002 the Cemetery was recognized by the Waukesha County Historical Society and the site has a historical marker posted describing its story to visitors.  Several graves also have markers from the U.S. Veterans Administration recognizing military service.

More Information


More Information- Copies of the Cemetery Rules and Regulations (approved by the Redeemer Church Council),  including lot  prices, are available through the church office for review. 


Contact the Cemetery Board through the church office  (262-246-6710) with inquiries or for additional details.

Cemetery Board


The Cemetery is overseen by Redeemer's Cemetery Board whose members are approved at the church Annual Meeting. It meets all state regulations and is well maintained.